Cyberpunk endings rogue
Cyberpunk endings rogue

cyberpunk endings rogue

With the recent success of Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, more and more people are finally getting into this masterpiece and understanding why its narrative hit such a sweet spot with many fans. However, CD Projekt Red never gave up on this game, with a steady stream of updates and fixes bringing the game back from the depths of obscurity. This definitely dampened the experience of playing this game, with many people writing this experience off since most of its impactful moments were held back by the game's s technical limitations. Updated December 6, 2022, by Ritwik Mitra: Cyberpunk 2077 faced an extremely rocky launch where players and critics alike absolutely bashed the game for being unstable and buggy in many ways. It should also go without saying, but massive spoilers are abundant below. Most of them have some sort of prerequisite, but almost all of them are obtainable from before the point of no return, so anyone who rushed through the story without engaging in side quests should not worry about missing out. Fortunately for players, it is easy to go back and experience most of these endings after beating Cyberpunk 2077 once. The following list ranks them all from worst to best.

cyberpunk endings rogue cyberpunk endings rogue

Related: Unanswered Questions From Cyberpunk 2077 We Want Answered In DLC Some vary greatly from each other, while a few are minor variations. Eight exist in all within the cyberpunk science fiction adventure. Like any open-world RPG worth its weight in side-quests, there are numerous endings for V, the customizable protagonist, and Johnny Silverhand's journey. Cyberpunk 2077, despite all of its problems, is still commendable for its massive size and engaging main story.

Cyberpunk endings rogue